Become a Volunteer
Volunteer your time
There are many ways to volunteer
You can sit on the sidelines, or you can step up, have some fun and possibly help someone heal.
Getting Registered
Most Pride Festivals are open to vendor registration sometime in January of that same year. If this is your first time registering, be sure to send a link to this site or the PCWAD Facebook page which will help them understand what it is you are hoping to accomplish. There is almost always a non-profit vendor fee. Smaller Festivals might not require an official non-profit status. PCWAD has officially registered as a non-profit business, there’s a chance we may make that leap in the fall of 2024.
Rates will be different depending on the size and location of the Festival. York and Lancaster Prides are roughly $100 for a single day event. Other Pride events can be anywhere from $500 – $1000 for a two day event depending on location.
Location at an event means very little. While it would be nice to have a little extra space to toss a ball, we have found that even a 10X10 booth space in any location will work. We are not concerned with long passes. We are only interested in making the connection and maybe help begin the healing process.
At a bare minimum, having a poster board on an easel is recommended. The original artwork is available in scalable format on the resource page.. The original was painted on a canvas 30” wide X 24” tall. Poster Boards can run $30 – $50 depending on the printer. We suggest using a local printer since shipping something that size can so easily be damaged.
We have also had t-shirts printed. Those too can vary in price depending on design, number of shirts and sizes of shirts.
9” Youth Sized Nerf Footballs are ideal no matter what space you have. Avoid anything hardened like actual footballs, softballs or baseballs. The people you will be playing catch with may not be able to throw or catch very well and you don’t want a bystander to get hurt
Try and get another Dad or two to join you if possible. Bathroom breaks, food and drinks are going to be needed during the day. If not, have at it on your own and do the best you can.
Some Festivals require an admission fee. As a vendor, you will be giving a certain number of admission bracelets for you and other Dads. Most will allow you to keep the extras at the vendor registration table. Be sure to alert any Dads coming after you that they need to go to the registration table to pick up their bracelet. Some events might require names of those who will be picking them up. Be sure to find out the process for your event.
If you haven’t already, please join the Play Catch With A Dad Facebook Group.
Event Day
First and foremost, HAVE FUN!
It is our experience that if this is your first time attending your event, there may be a lot of confused looks when passersby read your sign. Stand next to your sign with a football in your hands and smiles on your faces. Some people will understand right away and will engage you directly. Others might take a few walks past to gain the courage to come to you.
Remember, some of these people have had traumatic, negative experiences with their fathers either recently or many years ago. You are there to help. You are there to possibly allow someone a chance to experience, address, and react to some long buried emotions.
Today, YOU are everyone’s Dad. You may need to teach someone how to throw and catch the ball. Actively encourage and compliment them always with a smile. After a few tosses, catch the last pass and walk to them to give them a hug. When doing so, offering a few words of encouragement, praise or love will go a very long way. You might play catch with 100 people in a day, but those people only played catch once. It very well may be the highlight of their day and a memory that may carry the rest of their lives.
“I’m very proud of you.” “I admire your courage.” “You did very well”. “You are loved.” All are powerful statements to whisper when you are giving them a hug. These may be words they never heard and hearing them today may overwhelm them with emotion.
BE PREPARED TO CRY!!!!! No matter how many times someone falls into my arms weeping, I am incapable of remaining stoic. Let your emotions go too. If they are with some friends, encourage them to come in for a group hug. All your preparations were made for THIS MOMENT. This is why you are there at that day, time and location. You are there to help this person heal. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done on this day. I hope each and every one of you feels a sense of pride and accomplishment. You deserve it.
TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES! If you are alone, selfies will do. If others are with you, be sure to have your phones handy. Feel free to post these pictures to the Play Catch With A Dad Facebook group.