Helping people heal, one catch at a time
How Play Catch with a Dad started
Play Catch With A Dad was started in York, PA in 2019
In 2019 our founder, John Piermatteo wanted to show up at the York PA Unity Fest hoping to do something special and unique. “There were plenty of free mom hugs, and free grandmother hugs (among others) already. I got the thought that there must be people in the world who had one or more family members disassociate with them when they came out. That was the birth of Play Catch With A Dad. I painted a simple sign and found a space to lean the sign against a tree while I sat with a football in my hands. I had no idea how the concept might be received. It took several trips past my sign before anyone engaged. I watched people go by looking at the sign out of the side of their eye, then, on the next pass, they might make eye contact with me. Finally, I would see them walking with purpose directly at me. “Can I play catch with you?” We would toss the ball a few times then I’d give them a hug. During which many released a flood of emotions. I lost count of the number of times we both cried. It was powerful.”
In 2022, following COVID, York had its first official York County Pride event coordinated by Rainbow Rose Center. John did not have to do this one alone. Many lifelong friends that care deeply about others that joined him. Gary, Tom, Steve, Jim, and Randy stuck out the entire rainy day. There were many laughs and again, tears.
In 2023, some of the same Dads joined me at York County Pride. This was also the first year I attended Lancaster Pride. In 2023 “Play Catch With A Dad” made its first appearance in California at the San Francisco Pride festival. It was a huge success, and often had a line despite having several Dads (and Moms) there including several who had come for the festival and just decided to help out.
2024 is looking promising. We are already signed up for York and Lancaster Prides. We are also flying to San Diego to have a presence in the SD Pride Festival in late July.